
IBRC is a member of British Riding Clubs and can therefore enter teams of 4 for both senior and junior teams in the various qualifiers for national championships, including dressage, showjumping, hunter trials, horse trials and more.

2023 qualifier dates

Please find below all the dates for the inter club Area 8 Qualifiers. 
Look out for an email from [email protected] email address as all information on how to represent Ingatestone and Blackmore RC will be sent approximately 4 weeks before the show date. 

All entries are submitted through me as Team Manager. 

All horses must have up to date annual flu vaccinations in line with BRC Handbook. 

It is the riders responsibility to ensure that both rider and horse are eligible for the class they wish to enter. 

The next qualifiers are: 

  • Combined training: 7 July at Frenches Farm
  • Combined challenge: 24 August at Horseheath

Joining a team and fees

If you would like to be considered for the teams then please read the information provided below and then contact our Team Manager Anne Corfield at [email protected] for a full schedule and entry form.

Please follow this link to see the new hat standards.

Each horse must have a valid vaccination certificate, which undeniably relates to that horse, completed, signed and stamped on each line by a veterinary surgeon, who is not the owner of the animal.  It must state that the horse has received two injections for primary vaccination against Equine Influenza given no less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart. Only these first two injections need to have been given before the horse may compete.  In addition a first booster injection must be given no less than 150 days and no more than 215 days after the second injection of the primary vaccination.  Subsequently, booster injections must be given at intervals of not more than one year apart, commencing after the first booster injection.  None of these injections must have been given within the preceding 7 days, including the day of the competition or entry into the competition stables.  Annual vaccinations may be given on the same date each year, but this is notrecommended.  If a booster is even a day late you will have to start the whole course again in order to be eligible, otherwise you could get to a qualifier or even a championship and get turned away before you’ve even unloaded the horse.

Flu vac checker link  - use this to check your vaccinations are up to date and correct.  If you are unsure please contact Anne Corfield who can double check them.

If you wish to be considered for a team please ensure you are available for both the qualifier AND the championship. You must be a fully paid up member for 21 days before a qualifier or championship to be eligible and not ridden for another club in the same season.

The qualifiers are run for and by the members of the affiliated clubs in the area and everyone is expected to help. If you are on a team you will be expected to provide help whether it is you, a friend or a relative. This can be anything from ring stewarding, replacing poles in the jump arena, writing for a steward, jump judging etc. If you can’t help on the day that you are competing you will be asked to do so at one of the other events. If the club doesn’t provide helpers then they could end up not being able to compete so this is a vital part of being a club member.

Qualification class fees include the preliminary fees which are paid to BRC head office.

If you commit to be in a team or ride as a qualifying individual the full fee must be paid in advance of the show.  If a member drops out for any reason the full amount will still be payable unless we are able to find a suitable replacement.   If fees remain unpaid we reserve the right to prohibit members participating in any further shows/clinics/team events until these fees have been paid.

At area qualifiers the club will put forward a mixture of qualifying and non qualifying teams if space allows. If you are on a team that does not qualify you may still be asked to fill a reserve position.

If the team qualifies for a championship the club will contribute approximately 75% for the championship entry fee and stabling for your horse (this may be revised throughout the year).  The team then pays their own diesel, accommodation (if they don’t stay in their lorry on site) and also extra bedding for their horse. Please speak to the Team Managers about these costs – bear in mind that championship venues are places such as Gloucestershire, Stoneleigh, and Warwickshire, so the mileage is quite high and obviously it is recommended that team members consider travelling together to reduce costs.

If one team member struggles at a qualifier the club may make the decision to use a reserve at the Championship to ensure the safety of that rider and horse.

There are also a number of events endorsed by BRC which we will help to organise teams for (Hickstead, Blenheim etc). The contribution from members for these events is 100%.

 Things to let the Team Managers know:

  • Which events you are interested in doing
  • What your level of experience is
  • Any winnings/points your horse may have and update these through the year
  • Any qualifications you may have
  • Vaccination and passports – confirm these are correct and up to date